Category: Projects

  • Ett helt nytt prosjekt

    Ett helt nytt prosjekt

    Intro Monica Winther and Kjersti Vetterstad is a transcendent performance art piece that explores themes of solitude, resilience, and the transformative power of self-discovery. Drawing inspiration from mythological archetypes and the primal connection between human beings and nature, Winther creates a visceral, immersive experience that challenges conventional narratives of isolation and independence. The performance unfolds…

  • Nytt projsekt 3

    Nytt projsekt 3

    Intro Monica Winther and Kjersti Vetterstad is a transcendent performance art piece that explores themes of solitude, resilience, and the transformative power of self-discovery. Drawing inspiration from mythological archetypes and the primal connection between human beings and nature, Winther creates a visceral, immersive experience that challenges conventional narratives of isolation and independence. The performance unfolds…

  • Ny title

    Ny title

    Intro Monica Winther and Kjersti Vetterstad is a transcendent performance art piece that explores themes of solitude, resilience, and the transformative power of self-discovery. Drawing inspiration from mythological archetypes and the primal connection between human beings and nature, Winther creates a visceral, immersive experience that challenges conventional narratives of isolation and independence. The performance unfolds…

  • Myrmahlm


    Intro Monica Winther and Kjersti Vetterstad is a transcendent performance art piece that explores themes of solitude, resilience, and the transformative power of self-discovery. Drawing inspiration from mythological archetypes and the primal connection between human beings and nature, Winther creates a visceral, immersive experience that challenges conventional narratives of isolation and independence. The performance unfolds…

  • Livet og Døden

    Livet og Døden

    Intro Monica Winther and Kjersti Vetterstad is a transcendent performance art piece that explores themes of solitude, resilience, and the transformative power of self-discovery. Drawing inspiration from mythological archetypes and the primal connection between human beings and nature, Winther creates a visceral, immersive experience that challenges conventional narratives of isolation and independence. The performance unfolds…

  • Lost in Paradise

    Lost in Paradise

    om prosjektet Årets sommerutstilling og performanceprosjekt Fortapt i paradis / Lost in Paradise med Monica Winther, består av en galleriutstilling og en skog som står i et symbiotisk forhold til hverandre. Skogen med sine bortgjemte steder, trær, mose, hemmelige små rom, steiner og spor, representerer et mangfold og konstant bevegelse mellom liv og død. Trærnes og vekstenes…

  • She who walks alone

    She who walks alone

    Intro Monica Winther and Kjersti Vetterstad is a transcendent performance art piece that explores themes of solitude, resilience, and the transformative power of self-discovery. Drawing inspiration from mythological archetypes and the primal connection between human beings and nature, Winther creates a visceral, immersive experience that challenges conventional narratives of isolation and independence. The performance unfolds…

  • Mom & Jerry

    Mom & Jerry

    Intro Monica Winther and Kjersti Vetterstad is a transcendent performance art piece that explores themes of solitude, resilience, and the transformative power of self-discovery. Drawing inspiration from mythological archetypes and the primal connection between human beings and nature, Winther creates a visceral, immersive experience that challenges conventional narratives of isolation and independence. The performance unfolds…